The Temple Times

Dear Temple Shalom Family, 

For some of us, the New Year is a chance to start again, to get a jump on becoming the people we hope yet to be; from the moment the ball drops, we’re on our way to growth and self-improvement.  For others, whenever the “last minute” is, we’ll happily wait for it to arrive and pass us by before even getting ready to move.  

Whichever approach you choose, two truths are inevitable.  First, the road to self-improvement is long and difficult: it took you a lifetime to become the person you are, so it is reasonable to think it might take a while to change.  Don’t get burned out if results don’t come quickly enough, and don’t lose hope if you haven’t even started yet.  

Second, the Temple Shalom Stock Market Circle Challenge does actually start in less than a week!  Whether you’ve been selling certificates since November, or haven’t even begun, there’s still time!  Our list of sellers is growing, but we’d love to have every Temple member participating; together we can make this year our best one ever!

Here at Temple Shalom, we know that this New Year, just like every year before, could be our chance to learn and grow, to overcome and achieve, but we’ll only know for sure if we dive in and try.  We hope you’ll join us in the year ahead for worship, learning, social action, and socializing as we put our beliefs into action, and add meaning to the moments of our lives.  We look forward to seeing you again soon, here at the Temple.


Young People Shabbat!

FRIDAY, January 10 at 5:30 p.m.


Our youngest members and their families are invited to join us in the Sanctuary or on Zoom for songs, prayers, and a story with Rabbi Lief!  For those who join us in person, we’ll have individual juice cups for kiddush, plus pizza for dinner, too!  For those watching from home, the Zoom link will be sent out on Friday morning.  If any members of your family are feeling ill, please stay home and watch online.

Erev Shabbat Service

FRIDAY, January 10 at 7:00 p.m.

Join us LIVE, IN-PERSON, in the Sanctuary as we celebrate the Sabbath together!  Come enjoy a beautiful evening of worship with an Oneg Shabbat to follow!  For those unable to attend, the service will be broadcast LIVE on our Facebook page.  If you are feeling ill, please stay home and watch online. 

New Hearing Assistance at Worship:

If you use Bluetooth equipped hearing aids, you can download this app from “Listen Everywhere”

Then, select Temple Shalom by using the following code, and our sound board will be broadcasting directly into your own personal speakers!

We hope you’ll try it out this week at Shabbat services!

Rakefet Update!

Temple Shalom uses a special database called Rakefet to keep track of all of our membership data.  Thanks to a new upgrade, each member family is now able to log in online to their own account, enabling you to make payments, see announcements, check yahrzeits, and more!  

Use the link below to learn more!


Religious School

Sunday, January 12 at 9:30 a.m.

Please note that our next session will be THIS Sunday morning, January 12 at 9:30 a.m.   We hope to see all of our students and parents for a wonderful morning of learning together!

 Lifelong Learning: Book Discussion

Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul

Monday, January 13 at 7:00 p.m.

With our MLK Weekend observances upcoming, Temple Shalom is honored to partner with the Wheeling Human Rights Commission to host a book review and discussion on Monday evening, January 13 at 7:00 p.m.  Copies of the book: Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul will be available at Temple.  All are welcome, and a Zoom link will be sent out by email earlier that day for those who wish to tune in and join us online.


The Stock Market Circle Challenge is about to begin, and the time to get your certificates entered is NOW!  We have printed certificates in the Foyer at Temple which you can pick up any time you’re at Temple; there’s also an electronic version attached to this edition of Temple Times which you can print, or forward to your friends and family.  Let’s get selling, and make this our best year ever!  Remember, there’s a very special prize for our Top Seller, so get your name on our list!

Top Sellers So Far:

Andy Schreiber 71

Rabbi Lief 51

Jondavid Pollock 50

Roz Lando 35

Richard Carter 25

Fred Horne 24

Harry “Moe” Rubenstein 20

Jonathan Lief 19

Shari McPhail 19

Lisa Allen 18

Barbara and Carter Strauss 13

Harold and Roanne Burech 12

Nicoletta Villa Sella 10

Perri Pokorney Slosky 10

Greg Chase 5

Rachell and John Hruschak 5

Andy Mendelson 5

Mia Porter 5

Daniel Shats 5

Dennis Burech 3

Barb Lewine 1

Karen Recht 1 



The Wheeling Enjoy Books are in stock here at the Sisterhood Judaica Shop!  Each book is just $40 and contains many valuable coupons, and a portion of the proceeds from each book sold goes to our Sisterhood Campership Fund! 


Young People Shabbat – FRIDAY, January 10 at 5:30 p.m.

Erev Shabbat Service – FRIDAY, January 10 at 7:00 p.m.

Torah Study and Breakfast – SATURDAY, January 11 at 9:45 a.m.

Religious School – SUNDAY, January 12 at 9:30 a.m.

Lifelong Learning – MONDAY, January 13 at 7:00 p.m.

MLK Themed Wine Down Kabbalat Shabbat – Friday, January 17 at 5:00 p.m.

Community-Wide MLK Observance – Sunday, January 19

Sisterhood Luncheon – Wednesday, January 22 at Noon