Floral Fund
Temple Shalom Sisterhood helps to enhance the beauty of every Shabbat in the Temple sanctuary with a lovely floral offering.
Donating to the fund is a great way to honor or commemorate loved ones or special events. Your donation not only provides flowers for the week, but also the person / people you are honoring receives mention in HaKol and at weekly services.
Suggested donations start at $30 for Shabbat or $60 for each High Holiday. Donating more than the suggested minimums also helps keep our Temple beautiful throughout the year.
You can donate a Shabbat floral arrangement anytime. Please make sure to include the person/ people whom you seek to recognize in your request. Please note that for the High Holidays we always provide a specific autumn assortment for Rosh Hashanah and white bouquets for Yom Kippur. High Holiday donations must be submitted no later than August 16, 2023.
If you would like to donate to the floral fund you may fill out the form below or contact the Temple office at (304) 233-4870 to get further details . Do not contact the florist.
Simply fill the attached form- 2023 FLORAL FUND REQUEST FORM and return it as soon as possible via email to info@templeshalomwv.com or via regular mail to Temple Shalom, 23 Bethany Pike, Wheeling, WV 26003 with the attached check made payable to Temple Shalom Sisterhood. In the check memo please indicate “Floral Fund”.
Thank you very much for your generosity. Sisterhood wishes you a sweet, healthy, and peaceful year!
L’Shana Tova,
Nicoletta Villa-Sella – Sisterhood Floral Fun